Active Service
Captain J. R. Duigan, M.C., Australian Flying Corps

Captain J. R. Duigan, M.C., AFC, c.1918
Duigan Family Archive
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Captain J. R. Duigan, M.C., AFC, c.1918 (rear of photograph)
Duigan Family Archive
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Captain J. R. Duigan, M.C., AFC, c.1918 (detail)
Duigan Family Archive
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Lieutenant J. R. Duigan, AFC, c.1916/17
Museum Victoria

Lt. J.R Duigan (right) with Lt. Taylor (left) and Lt. Mawle, AFC, France, c. 1917/18
RAAF Museum Point Cook.
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Commanding Officer and Officers of 3 Squadron, AFC
Bailleul, France. November 1917
Back row, L-R: Lieutenant (Lt) G.H. Kindred, pilot; Lt E.C. Banks1, observer; Lt A.V. Barrow, observer1; Lt S.G. Garrett, pilot1; Lt K.C. Hodgson, observer; Lt W.V. Herbert, pilot; Lt F.J. Rae, observer; Lt T.L. Simpson DFC, pilot1; Lt C.G. Williams, pilot; Lt S.G. Brearley DFC, pilot; Lt F.J. Tarrant, observer.
Middle row: Lt J.R. Bell, pilot; Lt R.G.D. Francis DFC, pilot; Lt J.L. Sandy, pilot3; Lt A.H. McL.Paterson3, Lt R.H. Viner, observer; Lt J. Brake, Armament Officer; Lt R.H. Taylor, observer (or ?A.L.D. Taylor); Lt W.A.J. Buckland, observer; Lt C.R. Andrews, pilot; Lt C.E.A. Fossett, pilot.
Front row: Lt E.J. Jones MC DFC, pilot; Lt F.E. Tregilles, pilot; Lt H.N. Wrigley, pilot; Lt R. F.C. Elliott, Brigade Photographic Officer (attached), Imperial Forces; Lt E.G. Knox, Recording Officer; Captain W.H. Anderson DFC, pilot; Major D.V.J. Blake, Squadron Commander; Capt Tait, Intelligence Officer (attached), Imperial Forces; Capt R.S. Brown, pilot, Imperial Forces; Capt J.R. Duigan MC, pilot2; Capt R. Ross, Equipment Officer Class 1; Lt E.F. Woods, Equipment Officer (Wireless) Class 2.
Australian War Memorial (AWM) Photograph Database. Negative Number: E02765
A larger (171Kb) image may also be downloaded. It will however, still carry the AWM watermark. An image without watermark is available from the AWM.
Being a photo reconnaissance squadron flying the two seater RE8, the above 3 Squadron flight personnel flew in teams, pilot and observer :
1 Simpson and Banks with Garrett and Barrow flew a reconaissance mission on the mid morning of April 21, 1918 during which they fought off attacks by members of Jasta 11 incl. the commander, Manfred von Richofen. Richthofen was to die only some minutes later in an air battle now engaged with Capt. Roy Brown (RCAF/RAF) but which, following many years of controversy, is now deemed to have ended with Richthofen being shot down by Australian anti-aircraft lewis gunners on the ground below.
2. Duigan and Paterson flew together at this time. It is also interesting to note that Leigh Simpson was J R Duigan's first cousin, both being born in Australia's Victorian Western District.
3. Sandy with his observer Sergeant Gunner H. F. Hughes (presumably not yet with the squadron at this time), met a freak of fate death on December 17, 1917 soon after forcing Albatros DVa D5390/17 to land behind allied lines. This machine, now at the Australian War Memorial is now one of only two surviving Albatros DVa's, the other being displayed at the Smithsonian)...more
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