Denny Righter Scratchpad 1 : Righter family
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Norma and Walter Righter
Righter Family Archives

Walter Righter, 3rd birthday, April 14, 1908
Righter Family Archives

Walter Righter c.1910
Righter Family Archives

Walter Righter's first car, 'Orange Ranch', 1912
Righter Family Archives

Walter Righter, High School football hero, c.1920
He also played basketball, and was on the track team, 1919-1923
Righter Family Archives

Walter Righter at his drafting desk
Righter Family Archives
Fran Righter recalls : "Dad went into business for himself in 1936. There was very little space in our house for a drafting board. After much shuffling about of furniture it was finally placed in the dinning room between the table and the buffet--just room enough for Dad. He had an idea for a little engine for a model airplane. I was only four years old, but remember the event well. It was all very exciting, because the next thing Dad did was add a little shop on the side of the garage. And the fun had just begun."

Catherine and Frances Righter, 1986
Righter Family Archives

Frances (Fran) Righter, Lacombe 'Trainer', 1946
Righter Family Archives

Frances (Fran) Righter, Lacombe 'Trainer', 1946
Righter Family Archives

Kick Starter, Lacombe 'Trainer', 1946
Righter Family Archives

Frances (Fran) Righter, Lacombe 'Trainer', 1946
Here Fran is seen operating the kick starter
Righter Family Archives

Kick Starter, Lacombe 'Trainer', 1946, (external detail)
Righter Family Archives

Kick Starter, Lacombe 'Trainer', 1946, (internal detail)
Righter Family Archives

Kinner Airplane & Motor Corp.
Righter Family Archives

Walter Righter at Kinner Airplane & Motor Corp.
L-R: Wm. Herby, Myron Munger, Walter Righter, Gunnar Edinquist, Ted Samuels,
Adolph Clorius, "Blue Print Boy" ?, Charles Sander.
Righter Family Archives

Righter Family Archives